A Tribute to My Midwife

     Barb Nolfi agreed to be my midwife back in 1977. I wanted a home birth. Barb coached me and guided me through my pregnancy. She was deeply knowledgeable, lived close to the Earth, and approached my care with the wisdom of an all-knowing old soul.

      After the baby was born, I asked Barb to use a satin ribbon that belonged to my husband’s grandmother to tie off the umbilical. She was hesitant but agreed. When it was all over, we fried up the placenta with lots of butter, onions and garlic. We believed in the health benefits and humans are the only mammal that does not eat its placenta, and it is the only meat that comes from birth and not from death.

      Back then—living close to the land—we wanted to be true to our animal instincts and Barb Nolfi supported us in every way. She was one of us.

      After a time, everyone headed home, and we were alone in this special moment. But when we checked on the newborn, the satin tie had slipped from the umbilical and there was blood everywhere. We freaked out and ran to the phone and rang up Barb.

      She picked up the phone and calmly said, “No worries. I tossed a plastic umbilical clamp on the table before I left.”

      We used the clamp, and all was well.

      It was so typical of Barb—calm, confident and always a step ahead of the rest of us.

      My daughter Mariah is now 46 years old and every time we would run into Barb they would hug and chat about that amazing day. Barb was a pioneer for the rights of women and those disenfranchised and she stood up and never wavered for a cause she believed in.

      Barb was courageous and powerful. She did not live a life of platitudes; what she said she meant and what she did she stood behind. She had no problem stepping into the fray if that meant it made things better for those who were in need.

      Barb Nolfi passed away last month. When I told my daughter that I would be speaking at Barb’s Celebration of Life and telling this story about her birth, Mariah responded, “I loved Barb Nolfi—she was such a badass!”

      She was indeed.

Melinda Moulton

In May of 2022, Melinda Moulton joined her husband Rick Moulton as Executive Producer of the documentary film company they both founded in 1972. Rick Moulton Productions. She was involved in environmental and socially conscious redevelopment since 1983. Melinda provided the leadership to produce a 40-year incremental redevelopment project for the Burlington Vermont Waterfront, and spearheaded 250,000 square feet and thirty million dollars of built environment on Burlington’s Waterfront. Melinda Chaired the Boards of the Burlington Parking & Transportation Council, Burlington Business Association, Vermont Retail Association, and The Intervale Center. She served on the Boards of the YMCA, Lund Family Center, Chittenden East School District, Opportunities Credit Union, Vermont Public Interest Research Group, The Orton Family Foundation, Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Main Street Alliance, Vermont Health Care for All, College Steps, The Folklife Center, Audubon Vermont, and the Vermont Arts Council. She was a member of the Vermont Business Roundtable. .
She presently serves on the Boards of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England's Action Fund, ACLU-Vermont, and the Williston Restorative Justice Center's Executive Council. Governor Peter Shumlin appointed Melinda to the Vermont Pathways From Poverty and The Vermont Commission on Women. Melinda served on the Advisory Councils of the Vermont Green Building Network, University of Vermont’s 2020 “Leading By Design” Sustainability Task Force, the Childhood Hunger Council of Chittenden County, and Patient Choices Vermont. She participated on the development and ultimate steering committee for the Burlington Legacy Project. She serves as a Trustee of the Community Sailing Center.
Melinda was honored by the Burlington Business Association with the Nathan Harris Award in recognition of her contribution to the economic vitality of downtown Burlington. She was also honored with the Vermont Business for Social Responsibilities Terry Ehrich Award. Melinda hosts her TV Interview Show "Moments with Melinda" on Channel 17, CCTV which is syndicated across the State of Vermont. Episodes can be seen on her web site www.melindamoulton.com.


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