An Apology

This website would like to officially apologize for its recent foray into the overtly up-to-the-minute, the decidedly topical. Our stories on the death of the writer John Barth, the Republican presidential candidate and the solar eclipse were, we insist, just momentary lapses from our traditional focus on existential kvetching about being, somehow, old. We will now return to our regular diet (Mediterranean, low in sodium, high in Omega-3s), but cannot promise that we may not again stumble into the annoyingly contemporary.

Neil Offen

Neil Offen, one of the editors of this site, is the author of Building a Better Boomer, a hilarious guide to how baby boomers can better see, hear, exercise, eat, sleep and retire better. He has been a humor columnist for four decades and on two continents. A longtime journalist, he’s also been a sports reporter, a newspaper and magazine editor, a radio newsman, written a nationally syndicated funny comic strip and been published in a variety of formats, including pen, crayon, chalk and, once, under duress, his wife’s eyebrow pencil. The author or co-author of more than a dozen books, he is, as well, the man behind several critically acclaimed supermarket shopping lists. He lives in Carrboro, North Carolina.


Why can’t We sleep?


Awesome Indeed!