Dieting plans designed for us

      As we’ve gotten older, so has our metabolism. That’s why we’ve all probably gained some weight since the days when we could actually fit into our old college sweatshirt.

      Metabolism, as we all well know, is the sum of the chemical reactions in the body's cells that changes food into energy. When your metabolism slows and it and you can sometimes barely get out the door in time for a 2 p.m. urologist appointment, it’s time to think about dieting.

      I mean, we could, of course, eat a bit less, but that may be too complicated. So, instead, we have several popular dieting plans that many of us follow:

      The Mediterranean Diet. This is a way of eating based on the traditional cuisine of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The diet typically consists of the region’s fruits, vegetables, and seafood, doused in so much olive oil you can’t distinguish among them. The premium version of the diet includes an all-expense-paid trip to a Greek island and a stay at an Airbnb where the hosts are extra virgins.

      The Paleo Diet. This is a plan based on foods similar to what might have been eaten during the Paleolithic era, which dates from approximately 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago, so check the “best by” dates closely.

      The idea behind the diet is that if you could hunt and gather it, you can eat it. That means yes to meats, fruits, and veggies, but no to Devil Dogs, caramel popcorn, and Good ‘n’ Plenty, unless you have a license to hunt Good ‘n’ Plenty during its fall breeding season.

      Although research isn’t conclusive, one small study has found that after three weeks on this diet subjects had dropped an average of five pounds, mainly by tearing their hair out.

      The South Beach Diet. Named after a glamorous area of Miami, which will be fully under water by the time you are done with this diet, this is sometimes called a modified low-carbohydrate plan. It is lower in carbs and higher in sand than more inland diets.

      On this fiber-rich eating plan, you can eat all the complex carbs you want, including fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and legumes. Unfortunately, you may still be very hungry and dying for a Baby Ruth.

      The Low-Fat, High-Carb Diet. When you sit down at the table, divide your food into those with a minimal amount of fat, like celery stalks and facial tissues, which you put on the left. High-carb foods, like white bread, pasta and toothpaste, you put on the right. Stare at both piles, then pull up pictures of Twinkies on your smartphone and begin to salivate, thus losing any water-weight gain.

      The High-Fat, Low-Carb Diet. This is exactly like what the Low-Fat, High-Carb Diet looks like when it is staring at a mirror. Sometimes known as the Keto diet, this eating plan relies on using up ketone bodies, the fuel your liver produces from the fat it has been storing pointlessly for years. After a few days on this diet, your body will reach the state of ketosis, unless you have made a wrong turn and ended up in Kentucky. Next time, use the GPS!

      The Good ‘n’ Plenty Diet. For breakfast, eat the white ones first, then the pink ones. For lunch, work in the opposite direction, balancing your intake. For dinner, gobble them both up at the same time. You may not lose weight, but you’ll make your dentist happy.

     This story is broadly adapted from a chapter of Neil Offen’s book, Building a Better Boomer.

Neil Offen

Neil Offen, one of the editors of this site, is the author of Building a Better Boomer, a hilarious guide to how baby boomers can better see, hear, exercise, eat, sleep and retire better. He has been a humor columnist for four decades and on two continents. A longtime journalist, he’s also been a sports reporter, a newspaper and magazine editor, a radio newsman, written a nationally syndicated funny comic strip and been published in a variety of formats, including pen, crayon, chalk and, once, under duress, his wife’s eyebrow pencil. The author or co-author of more than a dozen books, he is, as well, the man behind several critically acclaimed supermarket shopping lists. He lives in Carrboro, North Carolina.


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