Writing About Our Generation

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Even More Things We Miss

  • Being able to see the Milky Way

  • Greeting someone at the gate

  • The day when a presidential candidate would be embarrassed to be caught in a lie

  • Phone number exchanges that were shortened words, like PLaza and PEnnsylvania

  • When 15 percent tips were considered enough

  • Baseball before advanced statistics

And More Things We Don’t Miss

  • Virginity

  • Fear of catching polio at the pool

  • Loyalty oaths

  • Disco

  • Watches we have to wind

  • Only three channels

  • Stick shifts

What Do You Miss? And What Don’t You Miss? Let Us Know By Commenting Here

Or Emailing Us At Writingaboutourgeneration@Gmail.Com

More Things We Do or Don’t Miss

Even More Things We Do or Don’t Miss

Still More Things We Do or Don’t Miss

And Even More Things We Do Or Don’t Miss