Justice does triumph

No, we’re not talking about the 34 recent felony convictions of that real estate guy from Queens.

We’re talking about two other guys from the boroughs in our 70s—us—who just, finally, have convinced Facebook that the website you are currently reading is not spewing spam all over the internet.

Here’s the backstory.  

We knew just enough, when we started this website, to understand that the way to get attention to WritingAboutOurGeneration.com was through the folks at Meta and their best-known contrivance.

So, regularly, we posted about all the new attractions on our site on Facebook, because that was where the most people would encounter them.


Then, suddenly, several weeks ago, the FB algorithm thought the link to our site was spam. Glitches like this, as we know, sometimes happen in the tech age.

So, we couldn’t post with links to the site. And old FB posts that did were taken down. Other FB posts, by other people that linked to the site, also were nixed. We were told our content was spam or that it was offensive and that it violated Facebook’s policies or their Community Guidelines.

We tried to explain that we’re just two nice guys in their 70s—most definitely not in it for the money or fame—who didn’t know enough about the tech to know what, if anything, we were suddenly doing wrong.

The problem, of course, was solved by digital natives—i.e., younger people. We knew somebody who knew somebody who …, well, the main thing is that we can now link to the site from Facebook.

Tell your friends!


Sex in the Seventies


Running for My Life