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Man Older Than Joe says joe’s too old

I have tremendous admiration and gratitude for Joe Biden's past performance, and will be forever thankful for his victory over Trump in 2020.  However, I am even older than Biden and I have to say he is giving credence to the adage: there is no fool like an old fool. 

If he stays in the race he is making every day from here to November 5, not about Trump's clear threat to democracy or other important issues, but a daily health report on Joe Biden. 

Each day, Democrats and thinking independents and moderates of any party, will wake up asking one question:  did Biden falter again?  And if he does, and my prediction given his clear decline over the last several months is that he will, what will that mean with even less time for the Democratic Party to react sensibly and effectively?  

So Joe, July 4th would be the perfect day for you to show what a patriot you really are, stop hoping to become 60 again, and state the reality to the American public : beating Donald Trump outweighs any hope, desire, or argument you have for staying in the race. 

You will participate in the picking of a suitable and strong replacement, and you will work as hard as possible to support whatever team the party comes up with.  That's a twofer: help save the country and save your own well-earned reputation.