Writing About Our Generation

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Waddaya Think?

Does age bring wisdom? Do you have an example.

Write your thoughts in the comments below or email us at WritingAboutYourGeneration.com.

Mitch Stephens: Well, I’m less likely to sweat the little things — like whether I said something dumb at the restaurant last night. And that’s not just because I forget many of the little things, including what I said last night. But reconciling myself with the big things – infirmity and death, in particular – may require some more aging.

Neil Offen: If age really brought wisdom I wouldn’t have ignored the crushing pain in my chest that screamed heart attack. Over the years, I had learned all the signs, had read all the stories, had assimilated all the info—but judgment? But wisdom?

Instead I took a couple of Tums and went back to sleep.

The next day, in the cardiac intensive care unit, I thought about wisdom. And was glad my wife at least had it.